Hi Everyone! For the past few months Creative DAO mods, Creatives’ DAO community, NF and other members of the NEAR ecosystem have worked together to create a funding structure that aims to - Fund meaningful creative projects in NEAR ecosystem - Enable, onboard and support web2 to web3 transition for cohesive creative communities existing outside NEAR ecosystem - Create outreach mechanisms to share our growth, activities and impact in the NEAR ecosystem and to broader web3 space outside NEAR. The new funding structure is derived from the combined values of Creatives DAO and NF to ensure alignment, growth of communities, internal cohesion and external outreach. The new process - - Eliminates same people seeking funding via Multiple DAOs - Assists in cross pollination of ideas due to robust community engagement - Helps increasing number of wallets for NEAR Ecosystem due to the growth in DAO members - Builds internal cohesion by DAOs interacting with NEAR dapps - Helps right representation of our communities by the outreach mechanisms https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15LvYfPeRLvgsQDIZ0MConT2voaUV49BWO_Sb8yyQ_PY/edit As a part of our due diligence process, Creatives’ mod will personally talk with every DAO seeking funding to get a deeper understanding of their project and to build rapport. We want to ensure the success of our existing communities and help new creative communities find it easy to build on NEAR. Together, we’re all gonna make it!🚀 Please check the gov forum post for more details - https://gov.near.org/t/guide-creativesdao-guidelines-and-procedures/32878 Telegram - https://t.me/CreativeGuilds Weekly community call - Monday 8 pm UTC