@markeljan.near [Posted on Developer DAO Board](https://near.social/#/devgovgigs.near/widget/Post?id=288) ## Solution: New DevGovGigs Features Implemented for ETHDenver2023 ## HackGovGigs Widget For ETHDenver 2023 @p516entropy.near and I created a suite of DevGovGigs widgets on Near.Social. We aggregated them to one widget to showcase them all together. ![widgets-preview](https://bafybeihwo5bjp6stkkyz5zl3pedmjc4fbfp7rvlummfat4snrxzjv3dmsu.ipfs.nftstorage.link/) ## Widgets / Features: - Fuzzy Searching that can handle typos, making it easier for users to find relevant posts quickly. Check more details: Fuzzy Search widget - Hottest Posts can determine which posts are the most active within a specific time frame. Check more details: Top Posts Widget - Users can view any post editing history and compare different versions of it. Check more details: Editing History Widget - User able to bid on their chosen posts to promote. Check more details: Promote Post Widget - User can view top three promoted posts or all currently promoted posts. Check more details: Promoted Posts Carousel Widget & Promoted Post Widget [Near.Social Demo](https://near.social/#/p516entropy.near/widget/HackGovGigs) [Hackathon Submission](https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/near-social-update)