MetaMask supports web service login function using wallet address by implementing EIP-4361. So what's the catch? EIP-4361 (Sign In with Ethereum) is the ability to use a wallet address for authentication of web services, enabling the use of a wallet address as a self-managed identity instead of a centralized identity such as Gmail. This move will enhance security when connecting to dApps that implement EIP-4361 and protect users from phishing attacks. This implementation also offers a "domain binding" feature, which will detect signatures/approvals from malicious URLs. pic.twitter. EIP-4361 defines a standardized sign-in workflow, and logins using wallet addresses will be available for the first time when a dedicated sign-in function is implemented on the website side as well, such as "Login with MetaMask". The adoption of EIP-4361 by many wallets and websites could lead to the expansion of Web3 (decentralized web) services, touted as the new Internet.