My favorite Near blockchain app is Near Wallet. Near wallet is a wallet in near blockchain. Features of this wallet is first of all very pleasing to the eye interface.All very clearly arranged and even a beginner can very easily understand this wallet.Even the selected color scheme is very pleasing to the eye. Secondly, this wallet is very mobile, everything you need you can do at any time, anywhere, and it is very easy to transfer some one to another address, so you do not bother at all, but simply transferring cryptocurrency to someone's wallet with ending .near (which is also very convenient, because this way you can not mistaken instead of 32-64 characters). The only thing that disappoints me, but in a short time I think it will be solved is that this wallet is not on ios-devices, you need to go via the Internet, but it's not such a big problem because even without the application wallet works fine. And also I really like the optimization of the wallet that my iPhone with the latest version that on my old laptop all works as well as excellent and fast. In conclusion, I would like to recommend this application, because it does not disappoint any of you and I want to thank the developers for such a handy wallet! ;)