Obtaining a Multi-Network Domain from Interchain Name Service 📄 ICNS is a name service designed from the ground up to meet the unique needs of the IBC multi-chain ecosystem. While each Cosmos network is unique, it's just terrible for them to have independent, fragmented name services. Now it is possible to brand a domain on your wallet, choose a nickname and the domain will not be the same as your nickname in twitter, the price of branding is 0.5 OSMO (0.4$) There are many different infles, angels, etc. signed up for the twitter project: I can highlight a Dydx funder, Robot Ventures funder, OSMO co-founder, Axelar Network and Cosmostation Foundation. 📖 What to do : - Install Keplr Wallet. - Go to the website, click Claim Now - Connect tweeter, wallet, select networks we want to register domain - Confirm transaction 🔔 At the time of writing this post 7200 people have taken domains. And to get tokens $OSMO to your wallet can take advantage of this exchanger, often through it something transferring, handy thing.