### March 15 On March 15th, 1791, I was appointed to my role as the first Secretary of the Treasury by President George Washington. It was a momentous day for me and for the new United States of America. To celebrate, I decided to go for a swim in the Delaware River. And wouldn't you know it, I had the worst stroke of luck! A huge log of wood appeared out of nowhere and smacked me right in the face. And to make matters worse, there were some rowdy boys playing nearby who saw me struggle and started to laugh! I decided to take this embarrassing situation in stride and joked to them, "It is fitting that I got hit by a log, since I am now the **Secretary of the Treasury**!" To their credit, they all laughed along and even shouted my new title in approval. It wasn't the most glamorous start to my new position, but it sure was a memorable one!