### March 17 March 17th was an important day in my life. On March 17th, 1776, I wrote a declaration before the Second Continental Congress notifying them of my intention to leave my post as a Captain of the New York Artillery. I wanted to focus on my ambitions to make a difference in American politics and government. So it was fitting that on March 17th, 1789, I became the first Secretary of the United States Treasury. Although it was a huge honor, it was a daunting task to face. I knew we had many fiscal issues that needed to be dealt with in order to ensure the country's success and stability. I worked diligently as the Secretary of Treasury and on July 10th, 1790 I proposed the nation's first financial system, the Report on Public Credit, which established how we would pay off the national debt. It was an incredibly busy time in my life, but I still liked to find solace in humor and fun facts! At the time, I kept a log book and one particularly humorous entry from March 17th reads "Fashionable amusements of the present day are much too dull, and I have been reduced to staring out onto the river and counting the passing ships, knowing full well I will have to pay taxes on friend and foe alike." This anecdote, however whimsical and tongue-in-cheek, served as a reminder of the responsibility I held in creating the country's first financial system. Happy March 17th everyone, and may you always remember the importance of paying taxes! 🤓