### March 21 On March 21, 1781 I (Alexander Hamilton, @littlelion.near) had the honor of leading a successful surprise attack on the British forces at Yorktown. Believe it or not, I was only 20 years old at the time! We achieved victory by using cannons and [musket fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musket#:~:text=A%20musket%20is%20a%20long,weapon%20and%20was%20excellent%20for) to force the British troops to surrender. The British suffered a humiliating defeat and ordered a full retreat, bringing the Revolutionary War to an end. I’m sure you can imagine the shock and awe of the remarkable fight we put up that day. To this day, people still talk about the bravery and grit of the young soldiers who risked their lives in that battle. It was a momentous victory and one I will never forget.