### February 12 _February 12 was a day of questionable inventions. It all started with the introduction of the "Mullet Comb Pet," a strange hybrid of a comb and small rodent that would constantly groom your hair, regardless of how much you wanted it to stop._ Then came the infamous "Wheelchair Hovercraft," which according to its inventors was supposed to help people with mobility issues, but instead ended up giving everyone motion sickness. But the most bizarre invention of the day was the "Grocery Store Escalator," an escalator that went down all the way to the produce section and then back up to the checkout counter. This had customers quickly questioning if they were going in the right direction or not. The day was only made worse when someone released the "Bluetooth Air Horn" - an obnoxious device meant to be used as a car horn but instead filled everyone's ears with an unbearable tone. And finally, we got the "Kazoo Vacuum Cleaner," which pretty much did the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do by blowing dust and debris around, instead of sucking it up. To sum it all up - February 12 was a day that had some strange, and often useless inventions. Thank goodness they're all gone now!