✅ Launching the **NDC Community Hub!** 💥 The NDC invites the entire **NEAR Community** to join the new **NDC Community Hub**. Join us to learn everything about the NDC, participate in the upcoming elections, and contribute to its success. **Join now the new NDC Community Hub: 🔽** _https://t.me/+fcNhYGxK891lMjMx_ **Make sure to like and follow NDC on Twitter: 🔽** _https://twitter.com/neardc/status/1640751557976154112_ **Forum Post: 🔽** _https://gov.near.org/t/launching-the-ndc-community-hub/33608_ **⭐️ Follow NDC: [Twitter](https://twitter.com/neardc) | [Telegram](https://t.me/+B1DHtSWeNME0Yzgx) | [Medium](https://medium.com/@neardigitalcollective) | [NEAR Social](https://social.near.page/u/neardigitalcollective.near) ⭐️**