## HIGHLIGHTS **NEAR FOUNDATION : NEAR WALLET’S EVOLUTION IN 2023** In keeping with the Foundation’s goal to empower the community and continue to decentralise the ecosystem over time, the focus since NEARCON has been to expand the wallet offerings to NEAR users and to decentralise the NEAR Wallet. [LINK](https://near.org/blog/near-wallets-evolution-in-2023/) --- **NEAR FOUNDATION & PAGODA GOALS AND TARGET METRICS FOR 2023** During 2023, NEAR will transform from a Layer-1 blockchain into the Blockchain Operating System, connecting applications, tooling, social, earning, and developer components across the Open Web—with development at NEAR Discovery leading the way. [LINK](https://near.org/blog/near-foundation-pagoda-goals-and-target-metrics-for-2023/) --- **AURORA LABS ANNOUNCES NEW PARTNER PROGRAM** Aurora Labs is launching a new Partner Program to support builders with mentorship, marketing, business development and more. This new program replaces Aurora Labs’ Fast Grants program to move towards a more sustainable and effective support model. [LINK](https://auroraisnear.medium.com/383494699c88) --- **OCTOPUS NETWORK : IN-DEPTH MONTHLY REPORT (DECEMBER 2022)** [LINK](https://medium.com/oct-network/octopus-network-monthly-report-december-2022-bf0cb359c064) --- **NEAR PROTOCOL : THE UNEXPECTED DARK HORSE FOR THE NEXT CYCLE** Probably one of the most underrated, and also important architecture comparisons that will determine the future of crypto. NEAR Protocol is an unexpected dark horse for the next cycle. [LINK](https://twitter.com/ozymandius_/status/1612831089483210753?s=20&t=OptVNhjqGN-1Yzq9mowb-g) --- **SEE THE LATEST PROJECTS LISTED ON AWESOMENEAR HERE** [LINK](https://awesomenear.com/new) --- ### **Here are some stats on the previous week:**  --- ### **These are only the highlights though! To read the full edition click** [here](https://nearweek.com/newsletters/issue-92)