#### **Saturday, January 21, 2023** --- 💥 **Big things around the ecosystem** 💥 NEAR Day at ETH Denver! Join on March 2nd for NEAR Day at ETHDenver — a 1-day mini summit on all things NEAR. From March 3rd to March 5th, join NEAR at ETHDenver for the Main Event and Hackathon. Register Now: https://neardenver.splashthat.com Devs Do Something Podcast with Bowen Wang is now available to listen on YT, Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Listen for a technical deep dive intro to NEAR and Learn about Sharding, asynchronicity & account abstraction equivalents on NEAR. https://twitter.com/DDS_HQ/status/1616131932177285133 --- 🎨 **NFT & Gaming** 🎮 Metamon officially deployed on NEAR Testnet! 🔥 They're doing a FREE MINT next week for, FELA, an extremely rare Metamon monster! More details 👇 https://twitter.com/metamonapp/status/1616274881636667395 Gamenaut V1 is live on NEAR Testnet! https://twitter.com/gamenaut_gg/status/1616276137965129730 --- 🔼 **Projects update** 🔼 Sweat Economy: $SWEAT listed on Crypto.com https://twitter.com/SweatEconomy/status/1616742273286299648 SEDA introduced SEDA Bytes, a new series breaking down different parts of the SEDA network. Learn about SEDA's Rebrand to Flux 👇 https://twitter.com/sedaprotocol/status/1616463536145989632 NEAR x Dropt: NEAR Foundation announced a new partnership with Dropt, focused on embedding Web3 technologies into customer loyalty and engagement programs. More: https://near.org/blog/near-and-dropt-to-revolutionize-loyalty-and-engagement/ ICYMI Learn about NEAR Social with this Recording from NEARWEEK Twitter Spaces on "NEAR Social: The Future of Open Web" https://twitter.com/NEARWEEK/status/1615771975259160576 ---