### **Monday, Feb 13, 2023** --- 🪅**Events**🪅 NEAR WORKSHOP: Ref v2 & SDK - Feb 14, 2023 11:00 AM https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcO2grTwpHdK5u_Emv_WY3B-9PEGOnP_7 Aurora Community weekly upcoming activities - Feb, 13th - 19th https://twitter.com/auroraisnear/status/1624852466872320002 --- 🎙 **Twitter Spaces** 🎙 Aurora AMA: Building the Future of On-chain Governance ft. XDAO & Aurora https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1RDGlaYnneoJL How bonds are changing the game in DeFi fundraising with Igor Stadnyk Founder and CEO of PembRock Finance and Claudio Co-Founder of Meta Pool https://twitter.com/meta_pool/status/1625042845622013953 --- 🔷 **Projects Updates** 🔷 Ref Finance: Discretized Liquidity AMM with Limit Orders is Back https://twitter.com/finance_ref/status/1625088106897473542 Aurora: The Rainbow Bridge operations has been fully restored. One can execute new transfers as well as finalise the ones that has been started before the pause. https://twitter.com/AlexAuroraDev/status/1624842592159469569 ---