### **Wednesday, February 15, 2023** --- 💥 **Big things around the ecosystem** 💥 NEAR Demo Day announces their new media partner - NEARWEEK https://twitter.com/demoday_is_near/status/1625632015335714817?s CellFi has received investment from the $10M Orderbook Fund by Proximity Labs https://twitter.com/cellfi_io/status/1625868606130249729?s --- 🎨 **NFT & Gaming** 🎮 Mr. Brown partnered with Ready Layer One and ShardDog to create something special for you -Valentine Mr. Brown https://twitter.com/MrBrownNFT/status/1625562455396192257?s World of the Abyss (WOTA) is deployed on the NEAR mainnet https://twitter.com/wotaverse/status/1625123178065297409?s --- 🪅**Events**🪅 Open Forest Protocol : Coffee with Contributors ft. Shima Capital and Mercy Corps Ventures. Wed Feb. 15, 9:30am PST https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1lPJqBYkkZMxb?s=20 --- 💰 **DeFi** 💰 The $pNEAR <> $NEAR farming pool on Ref Finance now offers BOOSTED DUAL REWARDS https://twitter.com/LinearProtocol/status/1625710961754791936?s --- 🔼 **Projects update** 🔼 The Aurora team will bring to ETHDenver its own vision to achieve Web3 mass adoption and reveal its approach on delivering the most convenient blockchain experience https://auroraisnear.medium.com/aurora-at-ethdenver-4116e9a4fac3 NEAR studio, the creative agency built for Web3. Branding, Design, Content https://twitter.com/NEARHACKS/status/1625858597472317449?s=20 The latest version of Onto Wallet has supported Asset Swap on Aurora https://twitter.com/ontowallet/status/1620075381478006786?s Midle has partnered with Aurora https://twitter.com/midle_official/status/1625827611401236480?s Web3Mon partnership with Enter The Sphere https://twitter.com/web3mon/status/1625872337257041922?s ---