### **Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023** ![image.png](https://ipfs.near.social/ipfs/bafkreibk4hy5bmiobudxdjgsqotigbrpxs7x2m6q5my5pc6ipcredr4haq) --- 🪅**Events**🪅 Octopus Network's Fouder will be showcasing their web3 multichain infrastructure and future plans at DemoDayIsNear from March 15-17 https://twitter.com/oct_network/status/1635675596838559746 Join the fourth NEAR Zero Knowledge Community Group call this Thursday - March 16th https://twitter.com/NEARDevGov/status/1635394842753916930 --- 🎙 **Twitter Spaces** 🎙 Aurora's Twitter space: A Deep Dive Into Aurora Cloud with Alex Shevchenko https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1djxXlLaYmjxZ?s=20 NEARWEEK: Private transactions is NEAR with Cypherpunk Guild and hideyour.cash https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BdxYyWbVyBxX --- 📜**Must read** 📜 TONIC : The completely open-source orderbook DEX on NEAR https://medium.com/nearprotocol/tonic-the-completely-open-source-orderbook-dex-on-near-6c75e65624ab A thread talk about DeFi Options Vaults (DOVs) by Spin and how it work https://twitter.com/sanket_naikwadi/status/1635467424480002049 ---