**[Orchid deceived bees to attract them with ultraviolet super-stimuli. Reflecting ultraviolet petals make them look like plants rich in nectar](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.9759)** Mimicking orchids lure bees from afar with exaggerated ultraviolet signals. The Australian orchid Diuris brumalis tricks bees into thinking it's a different, sweeter-smelling flower by reflecting ultraviolet light in a way that mimics that other flower. Scientists tested this by changing the amount of ultraviolet light the orchid reflected and then measuring how many bees were attracted to it. They found that the orchid works best as a decoy when it is a certain distance from the flower it's pretending to be. This study shows that the way a flower reflects ultraviolet light can be important in attracting pollinators, especially when the flower is trying to trick them.