**An alphabet made of structured light will save data from turbulence. Physicists tested the feasibility of the new method in an experiment.** [Robust structured light in atmospheric turbulence](https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/advanced-photonics/volume-5/issue-01/016006/Robust-structured-light-in-atmospheric-turbulence/10.1117/1.AP.5.1.016006.full?SSO=1) Scientists have developed a new way to send information using light that is not affected by turbulence. They use a special kind of light called "structured light" which has a specific pattern and can carry more information than regular light. However, normal turbulence can disrupt the pattern and cause problems when trying to send information. The new method uses a type of structured light that can stay stable even when going through turbulence. The scientists tested the new method and found that it works both in simulations and in real experiments. This new method could be used in a variety of different conditions, such as through the atmosphere, underwater, or through optical fibers. WDYT, @mr.27.near