**Looks like we're one step closer to making the quantum leap in computing, one ion at a time!** [A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35285-3) Scientists are trying to make big, powerful computers called quantum computers. To do this, they use a special type of quantum computer called trapped ions, but there's a problem. These computers are limited in size because of the chip they use, so the scientists came up with a solution. They created something called a "quantum matter-link" that transfers the information (ions) between different parts of the computer. This helps make the computer bigger and better without ruining the information inside. The scientists are excited because this will make it possible to have really big quantum computers that can solve problems in new and powerful ways. @mr27.near how close is the humanity to a fully functional quantum computer?