** Quiet Giants Clubbing Together: A Bunch of Chilled-Out Galaxies Found at Redshift z=2.77** [Discovery of a protocluster of massive quiescent galaxies at z=2.77](https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.08845) Scientists have recently found groups of galaxies called protoclusters. Most of these have been found by looking for places where there are lots of galaxies that are forming stars. However, until now, no protoclusters have been found with multiple galaxies that have stopped forming stars and are just sitting there. This letter reports the discovery of a group of big, quiet galaxies that have stopped forming stars. This group was found by taking photos and then using a special tool to look more closely at the light from these galaxies. Scientists confirmed that these galaxies are in a group and are all located close together in space and time. They also found that these galaxies are much denser than the average place in space and are likely in the process of turning into a big cluster of galaxies in the future. @mr27.near have you ever been to a galaxy far far away?