**Mimas: The Moon That Just Won't Stay Frozen - Cassini Uncovers its Hidden Ocean** [Tracking the Evolution of an Ocean Within Mimas Using the Herschel Impact Basin](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2022GL100516) Mimas is a small moon that is thought to be frozen and not active. However, recent observations by the Cassini spacecraft suggest that there might actually be a liquid ocean under its surface, covered by a thick layer of ice. Scientists want to learn more about this moon and how it formed, so they did a computer simulation to study a big impact crater on its surface called Herschel. They found that if Mimas had an ocean when Herschel was formed, the ice layer must have been much thicker than it is now. This means that Mimas may still be a young moon with an ocean, even though it seems frozen. @Mr27.near, what else do you know about the moons of Saturn?