Last week the #NEAR Zero Knowledge Community Group held its third meeting. We discussed ZK light client implementation examples, including such topics as Plonky2, FRI technology, Groth16, and related crypto algorithms. See summary below: - @Zpoken.near presented our intermediate research results using ZK-SNARKs. - Two independent implementations of a recursively linked chain of proofs for hashes & signatures called Aggregation and Recursion. - ZK light client overview. Further working direction, which includes digital signature verification of validators listed in the epoch block. - Usage of Plonky2 library with custom gates and FRI commitment scheme. - Implemented crypto algorithms such as SHA256 and EDDSA over ED25519. Plonky2 configurations and settings features to build circuits for proposed crypto algorithms. - A problem of reducing a proof size by using FRI and Groth16 technology. - Zero Knowledge Proofs to compress the signatures for the cross chain bridge by Electron Labs. Please find the recording of the meeting below and join the next ZK Community Group meeting.