### Who Am I? ~ Multidisciplinary researcher, interested in the science of decision-making and human coordination 🥰🙏🏽💞 ~ ### What I Do? - Director of the [Marma J Foundation](https://marmaj.org/foundation/) + [BAC Inc.](https://bac-inc.near.social) - Community Opinion Analyst for the [NDC](https://near.social/easypoll-v0.ndc-widgets.near/widget/EasyPoll?page=official_polls) - Champion of the [Near Research Collective](https://marmaj.org/inside-the-near-research-collective-blockchain-elevated/) + [OG Badge (SBT) Commission](https://near.org/near/widget/ProfilePage?accountId=og-sbt.sputnik-dao.near). - Product owner for [Marma J Gaming](https://t.me/MarmaJGaming) on behalf of the NEAR Community. ### Why I Do? ~ All 4 Aimery 🥰🙏🏽💞 ~