***The NDC is a movement by the NEAR community to decentralize.*** ##### About the NDC The NEAR Digital Collective (NDC), originally proposed by NEAR co-founder Illia Polosukhin, is now an independent movement led by the NEAR Community. Its goal is to establish a community treasury and governance model that allows the ecosystem to collectively make decisions on everything from funding initiatives to electing representatives. NDC's purpose is to steward NEAR towards becoming a truly decentralized network that can self-organize and self-govern. The NDC is organized by workgroups and the number of workgroups will continue to grow as the community self-organizes and more functions move to the NDC. ###### NDC Governance Roles * **Community Member:** checking in on calls and commenting on occasion. * **Contributor:** Community contributing to one or more workgroups to help deliver its objectives. * **Core Contributor:** Every workgroup has a minimum of three core contributors that organize to ensure that objectives are met * **Curator:** Curates the conversation in the workgroup by taking notes at meetings and reading all chat conversations to identify objectives and community pulse * **Framework BuiDL:** Creates processes, frameworks, and charters for the workgroup. * **Champion:** A core contributor in the workgroup or a leader in the ecosystem, ultimately responsible for workgroup delivery, recruiting needed resources and ensuring results are delivered. ###### How to join the movement: 1. Learn about the NDC and the NEAR Constitution and take the quizzes on [NDC Academy](https://thendc.academy) 2. Join a Workgroup * *Constitution and Governance Framework:* [Constitution & Gov WG](https://t.me/+U0ywDvAAgTljMTQx) * *Communicate, Visualize and Syndicate NDC:* [Marketing & Communications WG](https://t.me/+Z79i4O2UQ3RkM2Q5) * *Hit the Easy button SendIt, PushIt - DEGEN Friendly:* [Distribution WG](https://t.me/+EjTE_IzQqnA3MzY0) * *Can Devs do something? Tools & Apps for NDC:* [Tech WG](https://t.me/+zm-lGZhkVcNjMjEx) * *Restoring Funding to Regional Communities:* [Regional Communities WG](https://t.me/+bSbtaui5HlUwYzUx) * *Building a Gov framework for Incubate Startups:* [NDC Startup DAO](https://t.me/+YKOQc1O4XJxlYWM5) * *Onboarding, Moderating, fighting spam and bots:* [NDC Mods](https://t.me/+RjIksh_d7OcwMmI1) 3. Attend the Weekly Community Update call Tuesdays:* [NDC Announcement Channel](https://t.me/NDCUpdates) 4. Engage your community, project or node in the NDC Movement **Medium:** https://medium.com/@neardigitalcollective **Twitter:** https://twitter.com/neardc **NDC Announcements:** https://t.me/NDCUpdates --- **About the GWG** The Governance Working Group ([GWG](https://social.near.page/u/govworkinggroup.near)), assembled from the community, has been using an action-oriented approach to governance. The mission of the GWG is to propose transparent, inclusive, and accountable governance frameworks adopted by the community either by implementing a governance template or via Community Voice. It is not the NDC but a mere steward of community contributors to guide the ecosystem to decentralization through governance in order to form the NDC. *Note: The GWG does not have the ability to act as or substitute Community Voice or make financial decisions on behalf of the community. We will, from time to time, make recommendations for how governance models and frameworks should operate. However, final operations and outcomes are up to the active contributors of the adopted governance framework.*