A select input component built with the Radix primitive: https://www.radix-ui.com/docs/primitives/components/select ### Example ```jsx State.init({ myValue: "c", }); return ( <Widget src="near/widget/DIG.InputSelect" props={{ assistiveText: "My assistive text", groups: [ { label: "Group One", items: [ { label: "Option A", value: "a", }, { label: "Option B", value: "b", disabled: true, }, ], }, { label: "Group Two", items: [ { label: "Option C", value: "c", }, { label: "Option D", value: "d", }, ], }, ], label: "My Label", placeholder: "Placeholder...", rootProps: { value: state.myValue, onValueChange: (value) => { State.update({ myValue: value }); }, }, }} /> ); ``` ### Props `assistiveText` - type: string - Adds assistive text to the bottom of the input. Useful for info, success, and error messages. `contentProps` - type: object - Radix `Content` props: https://www.radix-ui.com/docs/primitives/components/select#content `disabled` - type: boolean - Disables the input `groups` - type: array of objects - `group.label`: optional string to render header text - `group.items`: array of objects - `group.items.disabled`: boolean to disable item - `group.items.label`: string to render display text - `group.items.value`: string to track internal value `invalid` - type: boolean - Renders input with error variant `label` - type: string - Renders label above input `rootProps` - type: object - Radix `Root` props: https://www.radix-ui.com/docs/primitives/components/select#root `valid` - type: boolean - Renders input with success variant `value` - type: string - Current input value (should match a corresponding `group.items.value`) ### HTML Attributes All other props will be forwarded through to the `<input>` element. EG: `placeholder`.