This tabs component is built with the Radix primitive: ### Example ```jsx <Widget src="near/widget/DIG.Tabs" props={{ variant: "line", size: "default", items: [ { name: "Label 1", value: "1", content: "Hello 1", icon: "ph ph-browser", }, { name: "Label 2", value: "2", content: "Hello 2", count: "12", icon: "ph ph-browser", }, { name: "Label 3", value: "3", content: "Hello 3", disabled: true, icon: "ph ph-browser", }, ], }} /> ``` ### Props `variant` - one of `"pill"`, `"line"`, `toggle` - Default to `"line"` `size` - `"small"`, `"default"`, `"large"` - Default to `"default"` `items` - array of objects defining each tab with it's own content. - Each object requires a `value` (unique string), `name` (string) and `content` (string or JSX). - Also there is optional parameters: - `icon` - type: string (CSS Class). Example: `"ph-bold ph-anchor-simple"`. Adds an icon to the left of the `name`. Accepts classNames from and - `count` - type: string. Adds an counter label to the right of `name`. - `disabled` - type: `boolean`. When `true`, prevents the user from interacting with the tab. `contentProps` - type: `object`. - Properties to be passed to content if an item's `content` is a function. This component also accepts all `Tabs.Root` props as outlined in the Radix documentation.